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Board of Review

Boards & Minutes


Organizational meeting:
March 5, 2024 @ 1pm

Public Appeal days:
Monday March 11, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday March 12, 2024 3:00pm - 9:00pm

July 16, 2024  @ 1pm

Board of Review

The Board of Review consists of 3 members appointed for a two-year term. The Supervisor serves as the Board’s secretary. The Township Board appoints members in January of every odd year. Review board members are compensated for attending meetings; the Township Board sets compensation once each year.

The Board of Review ascertains that all property is assessed at 50% of the true cash value and uniformly assessed with other properties in the classification. The Board rules on any taxpayer appeal of his or her assessed value and/or taxable value.

Hardship/Poverty Exemption:
   Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 390 Excelsior Township can approve a property tax exemption (or percentage reduction) if the applicant’s income and assets are below specific levels.  To be eligible for consideration the owner and occupant of the dwelling must file an application with the Township’s Board of Review which includes all proof of income, assets and other documentation.  A PDF file of the application may be downloaded and completed, however the final signature must be notarized or signed when it can be witnessed by the Supervisor or Assessor.  The applicant must meet the definition of poverty as determined by the United States Office of Management and Budget for income level as well as an asset value limits.  These links provided are forms to fill out to apply for the poverty exemption and information from the State Tax Commission.
Application for MCL 211.7u Poverty Exemption
    Poverty Exemption Affidavit
    Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy to Remail Exempt by Reason of Poverty
    State Tax Commission bulletin 2021-03 Poverty info.

By Law the Board of Review Meetings are held at these times:

                      Organizational Meeting: Tuesday following the First Monday in March

                       ~Purpose: Receive and review Tax Roll from Assessor.

                      Taxpayers Appeals Meeting: Second Tuesday at 9:00am in March

                      ~Purpose: Review assessment appeals from taxpayers/property owners.

                      ~Usually meets six hours 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

                      Taxpayers Appeals Meeting: A day of the week of the Second Monday in March

                      ~Purpose: Review assessment appeals from taxpayers/property owners.

                      ~Usually meets six hours 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

                      Error and Review Meeting: Tuesday following the Third Monday in July

                      ~Purpose: Review and Correct Assessment Errors.

                      ~Usually meets at 12:00 pm.

                      Error and Review Meeting: Tuesday following the Second Monday in December

                     ~Purpose: Review and Correct Assessment Errors.

                     ~Usually meets at 12:00 pm.

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