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Township Board


The Treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township, and required to be paid out. The Treasurer is also the township’s agent for collecting taxes and as such mails each taxpayer a statement showing the description, valuation, and amount of taxes to be paid. The Treasurer pays out all received taxes to the appropriate unit. The Treasurer must keep true account of the receipts and expenditures of all funds in the Township.

The Treasurer is authorized to invest surplus funds of the Township. The Treasurer serves a term of four years and is elected by the voters of the Township.

Current salary:  $18,000/year

The current Treasurer of Excelsior Township is:

Nina Cotton
5898 Tyler Rd. SE
Kalkaska, Mi.  49646
(231) 258-6108
Email:  excelsiortownship@yahoo.com

Tax Season Office Hours:  Fridays 9:30am to 12 Noon
Summer taxes sechedule is 3rd Friday of July to Sept. 14th & Winter taxes schedule is 3rd Friday of Dec. to Feb. 14th

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